Before you start

The Home Program is designed to cover all the basics of functional training with minimal equipment. The goal is to not part with the programming principles that are applied to in gym programs but to ensure that you are still working effectively towards strength, mobility and conditioning goals without demanding more space than is available in your home living room.

Remember this is YOUR workout. Programs can and should be modified if you so require it for any reason. Be sure to work within your limits and don’t hold back on adding or subtracting depending on your needs and ability.

Online program not hitting the mark? Training by Jake can develop customised programming aimed at achieving your individual personal and athletic goals. This programming takes in account life/work demands and training restraints as well as equipment or injury limitations.

Have questions? Check out the Blog for more info, or

Get Set


6 Day Program

Days 1, 3 and 5 are your days to work on strength. You will have an outline of exercises with recommended sets and reps, followed by a metabolic conditioning focussed workout that involves working in short bouts at higher-intensity. The MetCons are designed to increase metabolic demand and increase energy usage.

Days 2, 4 and 6 are dedicated to focus on mobility and a longer, low to moderate intensity cardio activity of your choosing (running, biking, hiking, etc.).

Equipment Optional

You can do the entire program with nothing more than what you would find in an average living room: an open space on the floor, a couch or sturdy chair and maybe a few heavy items from your pantry or library books placed in a shopping bag.

Ideal (but not essential), equipment that is relatively inexpensive and easy to store at home includes:  non-slip mat, some dumbbells, a step, lacrosse ball and an exercise band.

How to Read the Program

Whether this is your first time following a structured program or your a seasoned pro, reading a program can sometimes get confusing. The how to read a program section is a quick accessible resource that will take you through the 101 of reading a program - How to Read Your Program.

When it comes to knowing the exercises simply click on it! Each exercise has a link to video demonstrating how to perform it with the correct technique and most importantly safely.